A Chance Encounter



A quick item, I just don’t have the time to come up with new ideas. Life sometimes sucks. However a chance encounter today, well it was going to happen at some point, meant I bumped into the real life person behind the original Book 29 post of ‘The Postman’. So in honour of finally meeting face to face I decided on my return from the hockey game to create a quick piece.

A Cosy Winter’s Night…

After a long evening relaxing by the fire Adrian decided it was time to call it a night.


There is something about the long drawn out winter nights that make you wish to hunker down and cosy up for the night, be it with a good book, the television, friends and family or just a pet for company. In the northern hemisphere today marks the winter solstice, with the shortest number of daylight hours and the longest night. In some countries that means pretty much perpetual darkness at this time of year. Whether you wish to call it a solstice, midwinter, Yule or any of the other ancient names for celebrating this time of year, I hope you can enjoy it in any which way you prefer.

For me I’d be happy with warmth, a good book and family around me, and I never say no to a good game of scrabble  either. As an AFOL I’d not say no to a nice evening spent building or creating a lego set or scene either, but that really is a rare event!


Lewis always found Christmas to be a time for reflections.


Inspiration has finally struck. Amazing how creativity can only really come when you have time to stop and think and not be rushing around constantly engaged in activities, or all your time taken up with work and doing things for other people. Boredom inspires creativity. Or at least a mind free to wander. Maybe we should let kids be bored more often rather than providing them with, or the means for constant immediate stimulation? They after all are the future, the future writers, engineers, entrepreneurs, artist, inventors, discoverers.

I’ve been able to reflect a lot on life recently. Sometimes it takes a fairly major life event to make you evaluate everything so far, where you’ve been, what you’ve done and where you may end up. Some reflections are good, others cause us slightly more pain, but I feel in the modern world we are all missing out on time to reflect, think and just be. It is important to be able to. And out of part of that time reflecting, and having the time and opportunity to let ones mind wander in order to find creativity, I finally find I can express myself via my Lego minifgure photography once again. Life is balanced again, even if just for a short while.


Launching Louie



Liberty had heard there was a new unicorn in town. She just had to check him out.

Liberty had heard there was a new unicorn in town………


Who expected after a random conversation two years ago, that I’d once again be collaborating with the author Rachel Hamilton again for the launch of her next children’s book, and all because of a chance comment about LEGO loo’s!

This time she steps away from exploding objects (well I don’t think there are many exploding objects in her newest book) and enters into the world of unicorns. Not just any unicorn, but Louie the unicorn. A unicorn in New York.

So of course when she asked if I could come up with another LEGO based photo to coincide with the release of her book, I couldn’t resist. The thinking cap was on, and despite a slight technical hitch along the way ( a vital piece of my plan, that hasn’t turned up as yet) we have at least something LEGO minifigure based to do the job. Well I hope it does. I’m always a little nervous when I’ve done something specifically for someone else, as you never know if they are going to like it or not. Generally they do, which is great, and is the icing on the cake (something Rachel likes I believe, but who doesn’t like cake?) when they love your work as much as you do.

So Louie may make an appearance as part of the ‘booklego’ series I’m doing as well, or at least once Louie arrives here at World of Minifigs that is. So far it looks like he’s on an extended vacation to New York, however in the meantime, if you wish to find out what happens to Louie, you can find out by reading his adventures in ‘Louie Lets Loose’!


Series 15 Minifigs

I’ve still not had time to think about the booklego series I was doing last year, however I will be continuing it until all 52 are done, then I will see where I go after that. I have an idea, I just need the time and opportunities to implement it.

In the meantime there is a new set of LEGO minifigures due out. Series 15!

Series 15; lego; minifigs; minifigures


It’s nice to see a few completely different figs appearing for parts usage and for adding to existing sets. Crutches with clumsy guy are great, as is Shark Suit Guy. Nice to see a ‘baby’ fig too as part of a main fig, as well as a couple of animals as accessories.

I will definitely be picking up a few. I didn’t buy many of the Monster series, but I’m hoping a new injection of figs for the collection will inspire me to find the time to get on with the project.

Which figs do you like out of this set?

A Festive Message

No matter how you celebrate or experience this time of year, I hope it is an enjoyable one. This year has been a whirlwind, passing by in what seems to be the blink of an eye. So much so, that the past few weeks and even months have vanished before I even knew they were here. It is for this reason why the blog and the photos has ground to a bit of a halt over this time. It’s not that I’ve run out of inspiration or ideas, but purely because I haven’t had the time to even think about it, let alone actually setting it up and taking the image.

I thank everyone who has taken the time over the past few years to enjoy what I do and for sticking with me even when updates have become less frequent. However when I have found some spare time in life I will be picking up from where I was before. The proof that life has been so busy is that I’m still to finish building a LEGO set I got all the way back at the start of the summer. I have only just managed to complete the first stage of it, but hopefully I will find some time over the Christmas period to sit down and build with my favourite bricks again, whilst enjoying some time with family and friends.

Look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year…….2016 had better be ready!

Series 14 Minifigures – Monsters!

Series 14; minifigures; monsters; lego

I thought whilst I had 5 minutes and before I get around to physically posting last weeks booklego image, I would add some pictures of the latest series of LEGO Minifigures due out on the 1st September 2015. It so happened that whilst I was out and about this evening, I came across some already out for sale in one of my local shops.

series 14

Now I’ve been wanting to get a wolf head minifigure for ages, but could never justify buying a Monsters set when they were out purely for the Werewolf minifgure inside one of them. So I’m quite excited to know that I can get my hands on one at a much more reasonable cost. The Monster Scientist reminds me of a minion, I’m going to have to get a Monster Rocker, purely because he looks like someone I once worked with, and I quite like the cheerleaders hairpiece. Other than that I’m not too fussed, but I can see how they will appeal, especially with Halloween looming.

So what are everyone’s thoughts on the new range?

A Little Snippet – The Sightseeing Angel

Bob stopped off for a spot of sightseeing whilst on his travels - The Angel of the North

Bob stopped off for a spot of sightseeing whilst on his travels – The Angel of the North

Bob has been on his travels again, hence the quietness on the blog the past week or so. Since we’ve got back home there have been internet and computer issues, so I’ve only just been able to get around to looking at updating the blog. So in the meantime enjoy the view, and the next couple of #booklego blog posts will be appearing here soon. Thanks for waiting patiently!

LEGO Summer Fun

LEGO logo made from Minifigs

LEGO logo made from Minifigs

The past few weeks have been somewhat hectic to say the least, not just with the daily grind of work and family life, although I am currently glad it’s the holidays, but it’s also been a busy few weeks trying to sort out some of my images for LEGO to use for a campaign they are running this summer on their websites.

I couldn’t really ask for a bigger accolade. I started out doing this for my own pleasure, and to aid my photography and creative processes. But to be asked by LEGO themselves, if they could collaborate and use some of my images in this way is fantastic. Hopefully that means they will put a smile on others faces as much as they do on mine, as well as those of you, who have taken the trouble to look at them too over the past few years.

As it happened I was on a family trip to London, so I was eventually able to combine some business with pleasure and pop along to the fantastic new(ish) LEGO office there, to chat with some of the team and get a sneak preview of what was planned before it went ‘live’.

Bob poses for a photo before having a look around the office.

Bob poses for a photo before having a look around the office.

I was even lucky enough to be given a limited Mr ReBrick Minifig!

Mr ReBrick Minifig

Mr ReBrick Minifig

The aim being that the images will help provide a building block (ha-ha did you see what I did there? Got to love a good pun, and it was unintentional!) to help inspire kids to get out and have some ‘summer fun’ with their minifigs and LEGO bricks.

Enjoy your summer and ‘Keep Calm and Build On!’

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The Sound of Music

A busy day on the blog, but I couldn’t let the 50th anniversary of the Sound of Music pass me by. The reason for that is that it is one of my favourite films. Every time it was on TV I used to watch it with my dad. He himself had seen it in the cinema well into double figures when it was released.

I even recreated it using Lego Minifigures way back when, before I even decided to concentrate my photography solely on them. So time to dust it off from the archives and give it an airing, just like the film seems to every Christmas time!

The hills are alive

The hills are alive…….with the Sound of Music

I don’t think I could ever tire of watching the Sound of Music. What about you?