Week 113 ….. Jones the Bus

lego; minifigs; minifigure;  photography; minifgure; worldofminifigs; world of minifigs;

I needed a hand to help process some old slides. The workmen hadn’t seen photographs like this before.

Yes it’s an odd title perhaps, but you would now know why after viewing the image. Yes I’ve been processing some old slides. It’s amazing how technology has changed in what is a relatively small time scale. I reckon there are millions of old slides out there, just crying out to be digitilised and viewed once more. It is definitely a good advancement in technology where photography is concerned.

Remember those days where you add to put a roll of film in, and you only had 24 or if really lucky 36 photos you could take before having to put a new film reel in. Not to mention there was no guarantee that the actual photos you had taken would turn out anything like you imagined. There was the expensive of getting the film developed at the Chemist or local photography shop, unless you were skilled enough to do it yourself in a darkroom of sorts; only to find out they were either over or under exposed, had a thumb in the way of the view finder, or were just in general rubbish shots. Oh and the little stickers put on them just to doubly tell you your photos were naff. Not to mention, not having to get  projectors out, the hassle of setting them up, and then trying to make sure it’s in focus on the drop down screen, which inevitably would roll itself up, taking your fingers with it.

I have to say digital photography is so much easier, you can instantly view an image, and if it’s not quite right you can take it again and again until you’ve mastered it. There’s no development costs per se either. Just insert card into your computer and upload them to your hard drive.

Although that is probably where most end up, gather dust virtually on a hard drive, or on a disc if you backed them up. But even that’s not fool safe. Of course, just like the old days you can get them printed out, or put into a photobook. So maybe wherever those photos are, old or new, after the trouble of taking them, perhaps it’s worth looking at them from time to time.

I’ve certainly enjoyed looking through all these old slides whilst I process them for the in laws. 106 of them already done and I have another 120 or so to do too. So as you can see I’ve been glad of some help. It also goes to show how versatile LEGO is, and I may write just a waffly piece to show how much LEGO has helped me in my slide processing project.

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